Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Bracing for Winter

Growing up in Oklahoma, a pretty standard winter day was 40 degrees. Do you want to know something funny? Right now at Penn State, in mid October, it is 40 degrees... and it is simply not right. I was not informed that winter stifled the autumn season and only allowed it to be a pleasant temperature for a few short weeks. I express my dismay about the seasonal confusion and others always condescendingly respond "don't worry, winter will be much worse." Do you want to know something else that's funny? This only makes me worry more.

This morning I donned a sweater and a coat (I am entirely serious) to brave the winter equivalent weather. As I made my chilly journey to class, I saw other people wearing t-shirts, shorts and flip-flops... WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?? I had been continually informed that there were some interesting people in Pennsylvania, but this was far beyond my capacity of understanding. If my peers thought that this was "enjoyable" weather, then comparatively speaking, winter must be utterly miserable.

While wallowing in self-pity, thinking about the dismal weather and its inevitable decline to even more depressing conditions in the coming months, I checked the weather for the next day at home in Stillwater, Oklahoma. The moment I searched the weather, I was overwhelmed with jealously.

93 degrees in all its glory in autumn, what more could I ask for? I absolutely love the summer, and back home that means weather varying from a mild 80 degrees up to 110 degrees. After blissfully thinking about my love for heat, I turned my attention to the weather that I actually would get to experience and was met with a cruel joke.

State College is a brutal 30 degree drop from what I wish I could experience like my friends at home. I know that 63 degrees really is not too uncomfortable, but it might as well have been a freezing 32 degrees while compared to 93 degrees.

Fostering my sense of fear for the winter stimulated a search for a solution. Instead of studying (as I am sure that I should have been) I began to explore my options and just as the internet typically does, it yielded some interesting results. I decided to share my favorite three with you all.

Number 1)

I suppose someone thought that a simple turtle neck was insufficient for providing warmth in the winter. Naturally, the improved turtleneck consists of a full body knit "cocoon" if you will. Not only does it inhibit your ability to walk, it also severely restricts your vision, what more could someone want in a winter ensemble?

Number 2)

Next, I stumbled upon this beauty. Unfortunately, this is only available for infants and I may be short, but I am by no means THAT short. 

Number 3)

Finally, I found the ultimate solution to combat the cold. I am sure that you have all seen A Christmas Story, if not you seriously need to get with it and watch it. Thanks to this classic Christmas movie and Ralphie's killer style I know exactly how I will stay warm this winter in temperatures that I am completely unprepared to endure. If you see an unrecognizable person walking around campus dressed in a similar fashion, it is likely me.

Fashion inspiration brought to you by
All Day Chic
A Christmas Carol

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