Friday, February 19, 2016

Ruff Day? Don't Worry!

Today I discovered something wonderful; something that is capable of dispelling all of the negativity in the world; something that offers humanity a small glimpse into the glory of Heaven on earth....


I mean seriously... A giant group of adorable furry little friends all in one place, and what is that one place, you might ask? Oklahoma. 

We all have those days when we are completely slammed with work-- I mean, just thinking about everything we have to accomplish is enough to give someone a panic attack. I was having one of those days and I got to a point where I just needed to take a moment and breathe. I found myself in desperate need of something mindless, so I began to scroll through social media. My Instagram feed was relatively representative of its normal composition: couples' pictures, friendly appreciation posts, and the inevitable dramatic selfies accompanied by deep quotes. I worked my way a little deeper into the feed and found a picture my friend had posted of several corgis. I was a little confused because I knew that she didn't personally own one. Clearly, my immediate response was to do some "creeping" and discover where all of these corgis were coming from. Thank goodness for the capability to add a location to a picture because it made discovering what this magical occasion was incredibly simple. 

At first the concept of a corgi rally seemed a little silly and too good to be true; however, upon additional investigation, I realized that it was absolutely real and a pretty regularly occurring event back home, and in my opinion, it should be a regularly occurring event everywhere.

Based on my immense homework load, I probably spent way too much time exploring the jewels of the Okie Corgi Rally Facebook page, but just look at this picture...

These animals were just what I needed to pull me out of my studying slump. In case any of you find yourself in a studying dead end, or you just really like corgis, here are some of my favorite pictures that I found while perusing the Facebook page.

My favorite thing about dogs is how they enjoy the simple things, just look at how happy this corgi is and all it's doing in laying in the grass... wowza, what an awesome animal.

This dog is experiencing pure bliss, which will be my emotion when I finally make it to a Corgi Rally.

 Something about this angle just made this picture too cute to not be acknowledged. 

And to close it out with some classiness, here is a dog wearing a bow tie, what more could you ask for?

When I had finally had my fill of corgi pictures my primary question was when the next rally would be occurring. Unfortunately, it is February 27th, not even a week before I will be home for spring break (just my luck...) But no worries, experiencing a Corgi Rally back home in Oklahoma was promptly added to my bucket list! I assure you that once I am there, there will be a plethora of pictures that can hopefully assist someone else when they are desperate for touch of unique happiness in the middle of this hectic thing we call college life. 

Side note: Thank you to Okie Corgi Rally for the pictures and for existing.


  1. Hahaha oh my gosh, this post was hilarious! I was a little confused at first...and I still kind of am. But who could deny those pictures? I'm glad that corgi rallies are a thing; you learn something new every day. Next time I feel awful I'm just gonna check out the Facebook page.

  2. Awhh I think my heart just melted into a puddle of happiness. Everyone knows that cute puppies can solve basically any problem in the world. I'm glad that you did your creeping and found these pictures because I'll definitely be checking them out when I'm feeling down.
