Thursday, February 4, 2016

Thank You, Mom

With a new semester comes a new wave of blogs. After a greatly needed break from the hectic life of a college student, I returned to State College and recommenced this blog. I was excited to get to continue documenting my experiences as a girl swept from her Southern home and sometimes gracefully, and sometimes hilariously clumsily, handling the variances in culture. However, my excitement was nothing compared to my mother's. Just a few hours after I had published my first post of the new semester, I received this text message from my mom...

"Yes, the stalking has started..."

I would presume that this is not a typical statement that many people hear, but in my family, this was absolutely in the realm of normalcy. I recall casually mentioning the creation of this blog and about how enjoyable it was to write, and that was about the extent of my explanation. After that comment, it took about a week until I received a phone call notifying me that my entire series of blogs had been diligently perused by my entire family, in fact, it had become a family affair in which my mother would happily read the posts aloud to anyone who was willing to listen. Week after week I continued to get phone calls so that my family members could express their commentary to me, and if any post deviated from my regular posting date, I knew to expect a text that night asking where my new post could be found.

Although mildly invasive, something about my family's desire to delve into what I was doing from so far away brought a level of comfort. When I was at home they were close behind me every step of the way, and they still have the same interest, even 1,215 miles away (that would take 397 hours to walk if you were interested). That is quite the distance, but as soon as something happens, I know my family is there for me, and this was proven just this week.

I have been having some leg pain, so I made an appointment with University Health Services to squelch whatever the issue was before it could get out of hand. I saw a doctor who suggested that I start a regimen with a physical therapist, and I did just that. Everything was going great and I sensed that I was improving, or at least not worsening, but on Saturday night, everything turned around. I found myself entirely immobilized and unable to walk. On occasion I could find relief and do what I refer to as "gimp" around to make it to where I needed to be. I contacted my doctor regarding my worsened condition and he was " incredibly concerned," which is not what I wanted to hear.

As my condition progressed, I continued to update my mom. I knew that she wanted to be here, and sure enough, the following morning I got a phone call from the air port. This action was what I needed more than anything in this situation. Medical practices can only do so much, but moms can truly work magic. My mom showed me that distance means absolutely nothing, especially when it comes to family. I am so incredibly thankful for her, and she certainly deserves more thanks than a simple blog post... but hey, I suppose this isn't too bad for a start.

p.s. Oddly enough, I had written the first section of this post pre-medical issues with the intention of dedicating it to my mom, it's funny how things work out sometimes.


  1. I hope you're feeling better, and that the doctors finally figured out what's wrong. It must be amazing to have your mom here to take care of you! (PS that picture of you two is absolutely adorable)

  2. I hope you're feeling better, and that the doctors finally figured out what's wrong. It must be amazing to have your mom here to take care of you! (PS that picture of you two is absolutely adorable)

  3. Sounds like it's been pretty rough, but that's so awesome that your mom flew out here for you. Considering the post is split by a major life event...I'd say it still has some great flow, and everything fits really well. I'll be praying that you get better soon!
